Entries by Teal Rowe

Dear Dennis

Dear Dennis, You know how energy washes through us, like a current of warm air on a cool breeze bringing in a memory, an idea, or sensation? I had this exact feeling as I followed a track winding up the path the other day. Someone had meandered with a branch dragging behind which left a […]

The Last of the Glass

“I just saw your work in Ventana Monthly” an acquaintance said as we crossed paths on the mountain trail. My focus switched from the surrounding nature, quickly to asking, “what work?” see article here “Glass” Having the ambient sound like that of an idling jet airplane, a glassblowing furnace burns, keeping the raw material molten […]

Never Forget- Never Remember

The nebulous date of my brother’s death has been floating around as “sometime in the beginning of September” for a long time. I can look back for years to the first hints of autumn and see indications of my unrest- ending of jobs, moving households, adrenaline hits of choice, as well as underlying depression- around […]


Startled by a large dark mass in the distance. I get closer and see, no it isn’t a bear -it is THE bear- The one that stopped me short thought, word, action blame, projection protection -one swift swipe of a well hibernated paw at the cave entrance- Self/Others Humiliation Words, sounds, expression stuck in the […]

Study War No More

50 years ago. Plus Minus “Load up!” The familiar command to hop in the back seat. Business in town. Drive Focus Bud’s exhale “God damn hippies” combats my silent intrigue as we pass so many sitting on the wall. Three miles, though an entire atmosphere away from home. Liberation Distance The mood is lifted as […]


I once made a pact that I would do something. As I write these words I am fulfilling that agreement. It feels lame. An excuse. All of those great ideas blown by. Why didn’t I catch them. Make myself sit. Now on this eve of September 30th. A true challenge. I admit it. I accept […]


No way to cut it off at the pass nor nip it in the bud. It is here. Now. How is it going?

The Pool- Tale for a Cancer

Cancer-  ruled by the moon-symbolized by the crab- cardinal- water sign. I have always loved that my sun is in Cancer.  Home, nurturing, a sensitive emotional side, are typical qualities of Cancer that I enjoy, rescuer, smotherer, worrier, are others that I sometimes loath. This summer I have had the experience of truly soothing my […]

The List

Sky through the window, Bathtub, Earth outside the door. Simply, easily, granted. Thanks.


A long hallway, the way out was a doorway that had been tiled down to the opening size of a shoe box.  Clean, colorful, Moorish tiles.  An exquisitely crafted tile job down to the rounded edges of a sill that lined a gap just too small for me to fit through. A super compassionate woman at […]