The Bells
The tone is a cross between a bull horn & fog horn. It is LOUD. Since last May it has yelled in my ear that it is time to get up. It could be heard as charming and quaint history that the once factory town woke it’s workers.
To me, it screams “Work Ethic” plain and simple.
You are born, grow up, the factory calls, the product must be made, time to get up, time to get there, time for lunch, time to go home.
Life over.
Waking each day to the sound triggered my inner rebel who says, you go on to the call of the bell, I’m going to go and do my own thing.
My “own thing” brings me to Hammondsport, NY. Where the chimes wait until 8 am to sound from this church. And I have to laugh that the 12:00 chimes are sounding as I write this. They will sound for the last time of the day at 6.
It is musical chimes! Like someone in the basement actually playing a song from their heart. Just joy. Light hearted joy.
Now, what do I do with that?
Glad you like it, mom.
how funny