I mean Come On, I go to these blogs and see the self sell behind it all.  I envy the pizzaz it takes to do so.  In the next breath a gagging comes over me- for 10 years?  Really?  What else is going on?

The theme is to have a theme.  I don’t want a theme.  I don’t want a series.   I want to be myself.  Everyone says that that is what they love about me.  That I am me.  Well, I don’t feel like me.  I am in between.  I am surrounded by beads right now.  Very     unorganized.  Beads!  I started with beads!  I love beads!  I am back to beads.

And real truth, I am making boxes.

Gifts from open hands come my way today.
To be able to put down a word- each word in unique order- one at a time until the idea is out.  I am used to the flow of the ink, that drawing of the line that forms an idea.  It is a visual for me, that flow.  That which feels comfortable and no body sees it.  I most of the time can’t read it myself.  It is just a squiggle. 
Today I am learning to type the feeling.  To tap at these keys and also not edit my flow because you are reading it. 
This is new.
Monday mornings with Christine Brennan

For the past few weeks I have been excited to adventure through my “new” discovery of the blogging world.  At my weekly breakfast with Christine Brennan, she assures me it is a world well over ten years old now. 

Today I join that world.  On time.  My time.