Austin and Her Art

Update on “Austin and Her Art”-  Austin has just published her own blog.


This is Austin in her dining room…..

This is her art:


Most of these pieces are large oils.   Some are collage.

I DO have some great stories to tell about my travels with Austin and I WILL.  O.K.  I’ll tell you now.  

Of the time, 
it was June of 2007.
I met Austin’s plane at the Malpensa Airport.  
We had a plan to meet so that she could fulfill her lifetime dream to buy an entire wardrobe in Milan.  She had saved her hard earned pennies in order to make it happen.    I was the translator.

We had a week.

We spent each day filled to the brim.  From train to trolly. From the flea markets to Prada.  We scrounged around basement bargain shops.  We ate great food.  With strangers and interesting conversations.  We spoke Italian.  We wandered the streets through the night into the wee hours. We LAUGHED!  We laughed so hard!  And piece, by piece the wardrobe evolved. 

Into a busting at the zipper bag….as Austin continued on her way to Sienna.

This weekend!

The Painter and the Pose Part 2

I just received this hot off the press work produced by Austin Brayfield from the posing session in Ashland.  If you no idea what I am talking about you can read the previous post from March 9, 2013 titled The Painter and the Pose.  These are LARGE oils.
The work of Austin Brayfield
The work of Austin Brayfield
The End!